Gardening in Georgia: Top Crops for April, May, June, and July
A joy of living where we do is the gardens and the bounties of vegetables, fruits, and flowers. Here, you can plant or harvest something from your garden almost all year long. Now that we’re well into spring and heading into the summer season, it’s the best time of year to plant your favorites. Not sure what to grow? Our friends at the Athens-based University of Georgia Extension have a great list, broken down by month, to help you discover and decide on what’s best. But for the next few months, here are some ideas for top crops to plant and the best ways to achieve gardening success in our own backyard.
April is the time to plant your favorite “warm-season” or “frost-tender” crops. These include beans (snap, pole and lima), cantaloupe, sweet corn, cucumbers, eggplant, okra, field peas, peppers, squash, tomatoes, and watermelon. For better pollination and bountiful success, plant at least two or more rows and mulch well between each. April is also the best time to plant herbs.
Plant another set of the vegetables mentioned for April, particularly snap beans, corn, squash, and lima beans. The additional planting allows you to enjoy a more extended harvest period for those veggies. Also, apply extra mulch to your established tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, potatoes, okra, and lima beans before any dry spells occur. Thicker mulch also helps to keep weeds to a minimum.
When two-thirds of the tops of your onions and potatoes have died down, it’s time to harvest them. To keep them fresh, store onions in a dry, air-filled place. Store your potatoes in a dark, cool place. June is also the perfect time to plant sweet potatoes as well as an additional planting of Southern peas.
With it being mid-summer, it’s important to get your timing right on your next planting of vegetables. Plant your last sets of tomatoes, okra, corn, pole beans, lima beans, cucumbers, squash, and snap beans no later than July 20. That way, they have enough time to mature before the first frost. July is also the perfect time to plant your pumpkins to ensure they’re ready for Halloween.
Got more gardening questions? We’re fortunate to have a subsidiary of UGA’s Extension right here in Greene County. They’re located at 1180 C. Weldon Smith Dr, Suite 110, in Greensboro. Take a look at their website or follow them on Facebook for more info or to get in touch. Of course, residents of Harbor Club also have access to our Victory Garden located at The Grove, not to mention the expansive knowledge of our gardening group. Check our e-newsletter for details on how to get involved. And if you’re new to Harbor Club, we invite you to learn more about our award-winning Southern Living-Inspired Community. Contact us today.